I Wayan, Muliarta
Gerak Tubuh Sebagai Ekspresi Jiwa Dalam Penciptaan Karya Seni Lukis.
Working Paper.
ISI Denpasar.
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Gesture is one of the expession show because from the gesture can reveal
many kinds of feeling that exist in human soul. For instance the gesture of sad
effect, fear, happy, and the other feeling in order to make a comunication. The
understanding of the motion and the things in this life caused an esthetic motion
and esthetic experience in other to visualized in the painting media in this
visualized work, the creator display many kinds of gesture and some other objects
as book, bottole, rocket, clock and orthers to support the theme in idea
The realization of this creation is achived though library research and
some expreiences in order to create many motion character. The source can get
from book refrences, art work, the internet and other souces. In the visual thing
used art paint elements as the elements of art line, sepace,colour, shape, texture
which and used the other esthetic element that created from compotition,
proportion, attention,balace and rhythm. The creation process through several
stages such as scopingprosess(exploration), eksperiment process( experiment),
the forming process.(forming), and the finishing process( finishing). The work
cantion of ideoplastic aspect related to the theme, and physicoplastic aspect
related to physical work in technique,visual element and art element inside of the
art work. The are 12 art work created as the theme such as : (1) Stress, (2) Unther
the pressure, (3) In impesse, (4) Spirit, (5) Ambition, (6) competition, (7)
Shawdow, (8) Bottle and glass dance, (9) Phobya, (10) Family war, (11) Dream,
(12) Competition with the time.
Finally can be said that the theme of all, this art creation is one of the
expression show according to the gesture which visualized in art paint media in
order to be amotivation and also comparison to continue the life.
Key words : Gesture, Expression, Soul.
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