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DKV Sebagai Sarana Promosi Album 'Let's Go Gowes' Dari The Rolic Band Di Denpasar, Bali

Made, Afrian Dwiutama (2012) DKV Sebagai Sarana Promosi Album 'Let's Go Gowes' Dari The Rolic Band Di Denpasar, Bali. Working Paper. ISI Denpasar.

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Abstract The development of modern music at present is very rapid both globally, nationally, and locally. At global level, the development and accessibility of the world popular music presentations can so instantly be enjoyed by their music lovers in different places in other parts of the world. And so do the development and accessibility of the music album at national level; a new created music album which are launched in Jakarta can at the same time be reached by their lovers in remote places in other parts of the country. In local level, especially in Bali, the same tendency also occurs. Among Balinese young people the music products of both by the national mainstreams and independent/indie bands from various genres can immediately be very familiar with them. This atmosphere is also expected to be happened to that of the new established band, The Rolic. The Rolic is one the names of indie band groups existing in Bali that takes Denpasar as their base-camp. Having been successful in their first album launching in 2011, now the group are going to launch their second album entitled “Let’s Go Gowes” by the end of the year 2012. In their preparation of the second launching they are busy making improvements both in their concept and presentation from the previous promotion media in order to increase showing their own character. It is hoped that this second album be able to create a new image to The Rolic Band towards their music lovers. Having been aware of the lack of the application of promotion media in their first album, now in their second album, “Let’s Go Gowes”, they are designing more effective visual communication media that include the designs of CD packaging, CD cover, CD catalogue, magazine advertisement, poster, T-shirt, Goody bag, Head Bass drum, and sticker. Key-words: design, promotion media, album, “Let’s Go Gowes”, The Rolic Band.

Item Type: Monograph (Working Paper)
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
Divisions: Faculty > Fine Arts and Design Faculty > Design and Visual Communications Department
Depositing User: Ni Made Dwi Oktaviani
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2013 00:49
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2013 00:49

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