Analysis of Feminism in Geguritan Saci.
Mudra (JURNAL SENI BUDAYA), 27 (2).
p. 1.
ISSN 0854-3461
Literary work (geguritan) has dulce et utile function (pleasing and useful) as what is supposed to be done
by a man of letters as what is referred to as docere (someone giving teaching) as well as what is referred
to as movere (someone directing the reader to doing responsible activities). The object of the present study
is Geguritan Saci. The problem explored was how the female character overcame her life problems. The objective was to reveal and describe how the female character overcame her life problems. The data were made to be concrete using ethique and emic methods. The main data were obtained through documentation method using note taking technique. Then the data were analyzed using hermeneutic method and the results were descriptively presented. It was found that the educated female character could determine her attitudes.
In addition, she could also make what decisions should be made for the sake of her life, show her prestige and maintain her values. The results of analysis showed that the disaster she underwent was her life fate; that she should always pray and do her best to overcome any problem she might face; that she should be brave enough to refute firmly; that evidence was always needed when reporting something; that she should ask for assistance when she faced any problem; and that she needed a strategy to encounter enemies; that
in whatever condition the husband and wife should support and advise each other; and that she should be
Keyword : Geguritan saci, padalingsa and ancer-ancer
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