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Komang , Adi Suandira (2016) REPRESENTASI USIA RENTA DI KINTAMANI DALAM KARYA SENI LUKIS. Documentation. ISI Denpasar.

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Kata tua sering di kaitkan dengan istilah renta, merupakan istilah yang dinamakan kepada orang tua yang berumur lebih dari 60 tahun dan sudah mengalami proses perubahan secara fisik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut pencipta memiliki ketertarikan untuk memvisualisasikan figur tua renta dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, melalui pandangan pencipta tentang sosok orang tua maupun karakternya, seperti : kulitnya yang keriput, rambut uban, ekspresi wajah, cara berpakaian, dan kegiatan yang dilakukan orang tua tersebut dalam menjalani kehidupannya. Sehingga tercipta sebuah judul ”Representasi Usia Renta di kintamani Dalam Karya Seni Lukis” Dalam mewujudkan ide dan tema pada karya seni lukis, melalui proses penjajagan, percobaan, persiapan, pembentukan dan penyelesaian akhir. Dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, mengorganisir elemen-elemen serta unsur-unsur seni rupa yang dipadukan dengan teknik sesuai kemampuan yang ditekuni selama proses belajar, dengan penerapan warna untuk mencapai karakter serta suasana pada karya yang diwujudkan secara Naturalis. Diterapkan dengan teknik plakat , menggunakan cat acrylic, dilakukan bertahap secara menyeluruh, agar dapat tercipta karakteristik Orang tua serta objek pendukungnya. Dalam perwujudan objek, di ungkapkan melalui gagasan serta imajinasi, sehingga da¬pat me¬representasi¬kan objek orang tua serta situasinya ke dalam karya seni lukis. Hasil penciptaan ini, berupa 10 karya seni lukis dengan judul: Lamunan Tua, Lelah, Senyum Dalam Kesederhanaan, Seorang Petani Tua, Pemulung Tua, Bingung, Semangat di Hari Tua, Kerja Keras, Pikun (Mengingat Masa Kecil), Botol Harapan. Dengan memfisualisasikan figur tua renta, pencipta dapat merepresentasikan tentang kehidupan orang- orang tua di desa serta situasinya, yang diungkap secara naturalis, ekspresif, dan imajinatif, melalui hal tersebut, tercipta makna yang komunikatif dan estetis. Kata Kunci: Represeentasi, Renta, Seni Lukis. Age Oldster representation In Kintamani ToThe Art Works Abstract The oldster is often associated with the term renta, a term called to parents older than 60 years and has undergone a process of physical changes. Based on that the creators have an affinity for fisualisation figure of elderly in the creation of works of art, through the eyes of the creator of a parental figure or character, such as: skin wrinkles, gray hair, facial expressions, how to dress, and activities that the parents are in live their lives. So as to create a title “Age Oldster representation In Kintamani ToThe Art Works" In realizing the ideas and themes in the paintings, through a process of assessment, trial preparation, formation and finishing. In the creation of works of art, organizing the elements as well as elements of art combined with the appropriate technical capabilities that occupied during the learning process, with application of color to achieve the character and atmosphere of the work realized by Naturalis. Applied with a plaque technique, using acrylic paint, done gradually as a whole, in order to create the characteristics of parents and supporters object. In the embodiment of the object, expressed through ideas and imagination, so that the object me¬representasi¬kan da¬pat parents as well as the situation into works of art. Results of this creation, in the form of 10 paintings titled: Old daydream, Tired, Smile In Simplicity, A Farmer Old, Old Scavenger, Confused, Spirit in the Old Days, Hard Work, senile (Remembering Childhood), Bottle of Hope. With visualizing elderly figure, the creator can represent the life of old people in the village as well as the situation, which is disclosed naturalist, expressive, and imaginative, through this, to create communicative and aesthetic meaning. Keywords: Representation, Oldster, Painting.

Item Type: Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
Divisions: Faculty > Fine Arts and Design Faculty > Fine Art Department
Depositing User: Mrs Dwi Gunawati
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2016 04:58
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2016 04:58

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