Nyoman , Lia Susanthi and Ni Wy, Suratni and I Dewa Ketut, Wicaksana
Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Media Komunikasi Dalam Pewayangan: Studi Kasus Dalang I Made Sidia Dalam Festival Wayang Internasional Pada PKB XXX.
ISI Denpasar.
Language is a tool or culture realization that utilized by human for
communication or associatetion mutually, through writing, speaking, or movement
(body language), with aim is to convey heart meaning or willingness to sombody or
others. At this global era, languange in this case English language, become media that
really effective for spreading of culture to all around the world. Including shadow
puppet culture is now to be packed by many innovations, including insert English
language in its staging. It appears while International Shadow Puppet Festival in the
30th Bali Arts Festival. Besides for developing tourist to visit Bali, the event also to give
information and communication with international tourist. Observable thus very clear
that English language as communication media that has important character to spread
the culture.
Key word: English language, communication, wayang, festival
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