I Komang, Swakarma Satwika
DESAIN INTERIOR BOG-BOG CENTRE di Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai, Denpasar-Bali.
Isi Denpasar.
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Bali is a tourist destination that has been known in various countries of the world. Along with the increasing number of tourist visitors, that increase devlopment of means of accomodation in Bali such as store. Bog-bog Store was one of the early establishment of the store trying to attract consumers by offering different products, i.e. the product of Balinese culture in media-themed cartoons. But now, the concept store that mediating began to recognize cartoon by competitors in the others store so that Bog-bog Store need to develop themselves by presenting new spaces that exist then do the name change from Bog-bog Store ito a Bog-bog Centre. Another way, with its execution of customized interior design with a vision that is fun and educational. SOE’s concept of “edutainment” that can represent both of that vision, because that edutainment itself is combination of the words education and entertainment. Application of dinamic form of the game and the field lines at geometric element of the interior is an attempt to bring an entertaining impression (fun). The selection of bright colors as the colors used on the Bog-bog cartoons course also supports an entertaining atmosphere. Educational elements in the application in the field of interior that is associated with the energy saving education such as the use of recycle materials used. With the use of the concept of edutainment is expected to educate visitors to the positive directionand feel fun while shopping so that the Bog-bog Centre able to compete with other competitor’s store.
Keywords: Bog-bog Centre,Interior design, Edutainment, Store
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