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I Wayan, Nik Narta (2016) KATAK DALAM EKSPRESISENI LUKIS. Documentation. ISI Denpasar.

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Abstrak “Katak dalam Ekspresi Seni Lukis”adalah suatu kecaman maupun pesan yang disampaikan katak untuk masyarakat di lingkungan persawahan yang kian merebak menjadi pemukiman penduduk.Dalam mewujudkan ide serta tema pada karya seni lukis, melalui proses penjajagan, percobaan, persiapan, pembentukan dan penyelesaian akhir. Dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis, mengorganisir elemen-elemen serta unsur-unsur seni rupa yang dipadukan dengan teknik sesuai dengan kemampuan yang ditekuni selama proses belajar, dengan penerapan warna untuk mencapai karakter serta suasana pada karya yang diwujudkan secara surealis. Kesan yang dicapai adalah kesan panas dingin, siang, malam, dan kesan keruangan serta memperlihatkan keplastian objek pada masing-masing karya. Diterapkan dengan teknik campuran dengan menggunakan cat minyak dengan memakai kuas, dilakukan tahap demi tahap secara menyeluruh, agar dapat tercipta karakteristik objek karak dan bangunan serta objek pendukung lainnya. Dalam perwujudan objek, diungkapkan melalui gagasan serta imajinasi, sehingga dapat merepresentasikan katak serta situasinya ke dalam karya seni lukis. Kata Kunci: Katak,Ekspresi,Seni Lukis Frogs of Expression in Art Absatract Frogs of Expression in Art"is a condemnation or the message delivered frog to the public in the rice fields becoming increasingly widespread settlements.In realizing the ideas and themes in works of art, through the assessment process, trial, preparation, formation and finishing. In the creation of works of art, organizing the elements as well as elements of art combined with the technique according to the ability that occupied during the learning process, with application of color to achieve the character and atmosphere of the work realized surreal. The impression that is achieved is the impression of heat, cold, day, night, and spatial impression and show the authenticity of the object on each paper. Applied with a technique using a mixture of oil paint with a brush, carried out stage by stage as a whole, in order to create the object characteristics of frogs and other support buildings and objects. In the embodiment of the object, expressed through ideas and imagination, in order to represent a frog as well as the situation into works of art. Keywords : frogs, expression, painting.

Item Type: Monograph (Documentation)
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
Divisions: Faculty > Fine Arts and Design Faculty > Fine Art Department
Depositing User: Mrs Dwi Gunawati
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2016 00:45
Last Modified: 13 Jun 2016 00:45

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